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Bounceback Education Program

mixed race women wearing jump suits sitting in classroom studying.jpg

We are a mentoring nonprofit organization providing guidance, encouragement, and assistance to women, specifically those transitioning from incarceration to returning citizens.  Currently, statistics show women as the head of the household.  Statistics show that when prisoners pursue educational goals, this has the potential to decrease recidivism. The VCWF will initiate the Bounceback Education Program to present to incarcerated men and women and is looking to raise funds for this endeavor. Although some educational programs are available, more must be available to reach the population fully. This Fundraiser will focus on the development of the program, academic material, and consultants for educational posts in prisons.

incarcerated adult women sitting in classroom facing teacher.jpg

We have four donation tiers:

Tier I:   $25 - 50

Tier II:  $55 - 100

Tier III: $200 - 400

Tier IV: $500 - 1000

For your convenience, please go here or scan this QR Code below to donate*.

*When donating, please indicate which tier you would like to be a part of in the note section of the donation page*

*When donating, please indicate which tier you would like to be a part of in the note section of the donation page*

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